Fashion Illustration


    Design & Illustration

anyki is derived from the Greek word meaning ‘to belong’

Eleni Mavrovouniotis is a Melbourne-based fashion illustrator who balances freelance work under her business name anyki having worked for some time as a designer.

With an innate quirky love of illustration in both Fashion and Art, together with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design, Eleni's hand illustration skills have always spontaneously led the way to her inspiration.

Her signature has evolved into a strongly individualistic style with flair and within anyki - the aim is to bestow a unique sense of ‘belonging’ to all facets of Fashion & Design.


Design & Illustration

  • Fashion Illustration
  • Range Illustration
  • Hand Drawn Product Illustration
  • Kids Illustration
  • Handwritting

"Owning your signature illustration style is irreplaceable.
Being different will invariably astonish as well as belong."

Eleni Mavrovouniotis


If you would like to say yassou Eleni regarding any queries, freelance opportunities, collaborations, or commissioned works, please contact me below or eleni at anyki.com.